
Posts Tagged ‘Premiere Radio’


this article was also posted with a poll on Daily Kos

Yesterday “El Rushbo” joined the Republican’s bandwagon echoing their deflection de jour away from the current issues, policies, and legislation that together makeup the War on Women by bloviating about a CNN commentator’s remark that Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life. The comment, not the best choice of words,were made by a working mother in response to Mitt’s claims that his wife is his source for understanding what is important to women these days.

In his discussions about this issue, Rush reffered to women in the media as “clucking hens.” He said feminism “Changed Forever The Normal Human Nature Relationships Between Men And Women.” And that the “Infobabe” At CNN “Cut Feminism Off At The Knees” By Saying women want choice between working, staying home. He echoed the Romney camp’s claim that the CNN commentator Read more…

Despite the Lack of Publicity, the Effort to Boycott Rush Limbaugh is Going Well, Thank You.

UPDATE! So many people have asked how to get involved we put this list  together, join us!

Despite what Clear Channel wants you to think, the national grassroots effort to boycott Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors is working in its own quiet way.

Actually, the effort has been more about notifying advertisers than boycotting.

Every day volunteers grit their teeth and listen to Limbaugh’s hate-filled lunchtime show on hundreds of affiliates across the country.  They keep track of who is Read more…

LAST MINUTE CALL TO ACTION: Whitehouse Petition Stop using Tax Dollars to Air Rush Limbaugh’s Show!

March 31, 2012 1 comment


Please take a moment to SIGN this petition and then pass it along!   SHARE  it on Facebook, Twitter, email to friends and family – let’s give it a last minute BOOST!

“Sec. Panetta, Get Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio NOW! No tax money for abusive, divisive, insulting language” :!/petition/sec-panetta-get-rush-limbaugh-armed-forces-radio-now-no-tax-money-abusive-divisive-insulting/p439GWMm

Limbaugh Boycott: Clear Channel Exec Tries to Appear Confident – We Know Better!

March 28, 2012 1 comment

Tuesday evening the AP released a story written based on an interview with the Chairman of Clear Channel, Bob Pittman.   His response is pure PR- anyone who is familiar with marketing can spot a campaign here. With overconfidence, he minimizes the “outrage” at Limbaugh by saying it’s “part of the normal day-to-day of talk radio.”

When he refers to the advertisers who have left, he frames it as if that is all done and over, it, “did not have a major impact on the company and there has not been a major move among stations to drop Limbaugh.”

It makes us all smile. He has NO idea. Read more…

UNC Tarheels Chancellor Says They Will Stick With Rush!

March 24, 2012 2 comments

Years ago,  I drove my daughter from New England to South Carolina to look at colleges.  She was an athlete and was considering her options. We visited UNC Chapel Hill and I fell in love with the charming setting, older buildings,  and gardens.  My daughter loved the school, but the academic program she was looking for wasn’t a match with the programs the school offered.  She settled on a smaller private school further south.  If we had been making that search now, I’d be doing a little extra background work. Does this school have any association with Rush Limbaugh? Sound extreme? Not really. Read more…

What ABOUT the FCC? They Childproof TV, Why Not Publicly Accessible Radio?

There has been a lot of talk about the fact that our friend Mr. Limbaugh seems to have crossed the line that one would assume is drawn by the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) parameters. While some argue it would violate Limbaugh’s first amendment rights, he is not protected by the first amendment because his programming is available on public airways is aired during time when children may access it.

The lines of decency are set for a reason and despite challenges by Supreme Court, the authority remains in the hands of the FCC. There have been calls to file complaints against Mr. Limbaugh. That is a good idea and we should all do that.  But I suggest that you Read more…

The Effort to Get Rush OFF American Forces Radio

March 19, 2012 4 comments

Politico – Poll:1 out of 3 Republicans Say Fire Rush

“More than half of those interviewed also say radio host Rush Limbaugh, who called a female law student testifying publicly in favor of birth-control coverage a “slut” and “prostitute,” should be fired based solely on those comments.” Read more…

Talking to Sponsors Today .. 3/13

Got a message with some advice:   You can tell the advertiser exactly what station(s) and which day(s) their ad aired by looking here: Many have no idea that their ads are running during his show, so this information will help them resolve the issue. And please BE POLITE.

Example of individual messages to sponsors pulled from the facebook page:  :

Read more…

How does Rush Make his Money?

UPDATE: here is a comprehensive list of local sponsors    If you are comfortable with Googledocs spreadsheets this is the resource

What can we do to be sure to get rid of Rush for GOOD? The consensus from the experts on the advertisers 2 week vacation is that they all hope we have a short attention span and by keeping these sponsors out of the spotlight for two weeks we will forget about it and leave them alone. Will we?

How does Limbaugh make his money? Is it more important to boycott national sponsors or local sponsors? Should we be making contact with the stations themselves? So far the answer is all of the above.

What does Premiere pay Limbaugh for and do they, in turn, make their money? Do they get income from affiliates? Do they just make money on national advertisers? Do local advertisers pay Premiere or local stations?  Tonight we watched three reports of Limbaugh’s “2 week national sponsor vacation” and heard three different takes on what this means and how Limbaugh’s show makes him 50 million a year… so lets get to the bottom of this.

There are hints here in Rush’s own words  in a statement he made last week (below.) He explained to his audience how it works, or how he’d like them to think it works. We still beleive the key to taking him off the air for good it tell local advertisers to stop advertising on local stations – over all, not just rush’s show! Tell sponsors that as long as they support Limbaugh’s affiliates wo choose to play his show, you won’t be purchasing their products or services. KEEP THE PRESSURE ON DURING THIS 2 WEEK “VACATION” – lets not stop this, lets ratchet it up.
Rush’s own words take from his own website: Read more…