Local Businesses Wall of Shame, BOYCOTT these Sponsors

The  following local sponsors have declared their allegiance to Rush Limbaugh or have said something like they’d look into it but still have ads running.  These businesses have the option to direct their local radio stations to place their ads in other slots, to keep their ads off of the three hour time slot during the time Limbaugh is speaking his hate but have told those who have contacted them that they intend to support Limbaugh.

Declared Allegiance to Rush
Andrew John Freund, P.E.
Comfort-Air Engineering, Inc.
11403 Jones Maltsberger Road
San Antonio, Texas 78216
(210) 494-1691 Ext. 110
Fax (210) 494-9526

They will “think about it.”
Pacific Coast Termite
640 KFI Los Angeles


contact form:
(800) NOW-1900
(800) 669-1900
“Thanks, we are looking in to it”
still advertising
Agora Financial
Denver KOA and LA’s KFI

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